Alexander spent the next 10 years in Moscow restoring the city's diverse places, cooperated with architects and painters. But in 2011 he had to return to his hometown because of a serious illness.
Alexander's coming back changed the project's image significantly. His son Ilya was waiting for him there and did not talk that much with his father as he was always away. First Ilya suggested his father exhibiting his paintings in new popular art spaces and thus finding common ground to reconnect with each other. Their cooperation has led to the creation of Knight&Wolf project.
The project was first intended to present a music album but pretty soon Ilya realized that he would want to work together on it with his father considering that even the music pieces he wrote reflected on Ilya's life and the way he saw his father's challenges in life. Ultimately, the project's images not only accompanied the music album but also epitomized Ilya and Alexander's strive for the best in each other.