Knight & Wolf

Interview for the online magazine Nevvod

Nevvo: Polina Fomenkova
Nevvod talked with talented guys, Ilya and Alexey. They are working on Knight and Wolf Project. The project is unique in that it includes several creative directions at once. In this interview we will talk about the creation and promotion of the project from scratch and also we'll delve into the theme of the dream and its destructive power.
In «Knight and Wolf» you touch upon the theme of happiness and show the way to a dream. Why exactly this idea? Did something disturb you at the time of creating the project?

Ilya Denisov: It's not like it worried me, it was a key theme. About three years ago I've got the feeling that I was living not exactly my life. I worked a lot, I had a tendency to music, but I didn't really attach importance to it. Once my friend and I recorded the composition "Mists" in the studio, it is included in our album. I was very inspired by this, I started to take the music more seriously, and gradually, in my life there was more creativity I needed so much. At this time, I realized that it would make me happy. Although, I believe that happiness is not a permanent state, not an object or place that can be achieved. It seems to me that happiness is momentary.

Do you consider yourself to be a happy person?

Ilya Denisov: At the moment I do, because you came to talk with us. Most of the time is work, routine. I noticed that when I was doing various works outside of my creativity, I was indifferent to many things. I was pleased with the achievements, but not completely. And in music I realized that the more creative operations we did with Alexey, the more often those moments of happiness came. I realized that this is what will make me who I am supposed to be.

How to make dreams come true?

Ilya Denisov: I would say that in no way. See, our work is not so much about that there is some way to achieve dreams and that this is the most important thing in life. We are trying to say that a dream is actually something that can destroy us. This is an idealized image of a dream that many pursue or think that they should pursue. It makes you unhappy at the moment. You imagine a far-away "castle" that should be captured. And the whole way that you overcome to it through obstacles doesn't make you happy. It may be that the dream didn't belong to you at all, and there were some clear, but alien thoughts from the outside.

Happiness can't be purchased; the dream deprives you of certain life joys. What we are trying to say is that achieving a dream doesn't equal happiness.

Are you interested in Middle Ages? Why did the knight become a generalized character?

Ilya Denisov: I got the image of a knight a long time ago. I imagined a knight as an image of masculinity, of a male dreamer. And then I faced Kin Fables project (a series of short films). I was inspired by their idea. It is close to our idea. One of the metaphorical characters in Kin Fables is just a knight. When I saw this, I was stirred up by the memory of my youthful ideas, and I decided that I must use this image.

After seeing Kin Fables films, I came to the idea of creating a music album. My father helped me with painting and poetry. And now, thanks to the common interests, Alexey, father and I united in a trio.

Explain, what are the parts of the project?

Ilya Denisov: First of all, this is a music album written in the neoclassical genre. We have a song format: there are choruses and couplets. The second part is the painting that my father created. In this painting is mostly reflected what my father and I were feeling towards each other and our joint view of life. Thanks to painting, each concrete composition takes shape. My father and I tried to convey the cumulative experience of men from different generations. The third part is poetry. Dad was very inspired by this story, and he wrote sonnets for painting.

Alexey Tsarkov: And a video is a bonus. When we are passionate about something, we want it to be everywhere. Knights and wolves are everywhere. Therefore, the idea came to create a video. We first thought to make a short film, but in the end we got a clip that became a sort of the hero's dream.
Almost all your compositions are minor. What is the reason?

Ilya Denisov: I am generally not a positive person, but there is an excuse. I have an incomplete musical education. The first seven compositions of the album are my youthful compositions, which I wrote playing on my old piano. Then I was good only in certain tonalities, and the point was that part of the keys responsible for major notes didn't work, and in childhood you used what you had.

Alexey Tsarkov: The work itself was supposed to be a drama. We didn't want too obvious positive emotions.

Did the project help to achieve a better understanding and get closer with your father?

Ilya Denisov: In 2012, he had a serious health problem, and before that we did not communicate for a long time (he went to live and work in Moscow). You could say he came back to me, and we tried to start living, communicating. The fact is that I was trying to find a format where he could give me something that he didn't give in my childhood, youth. I think we did it. Before that, I didn't understand him, either as a father or as a man; and in general I didn't understand what it was to be a man, an individual. He, in turn, didn't understand me and why I didn't meet his expectations. When my father left for Moscow, there was a gap between generations. In fact, my picture of a knight is, first of all, the picture of a father. This is the first man I look at, and the path of the knight is the path of my father, which we tried to reflect together. And he finally began to understand me. We just investigated his life and tried to reach something better. This work depicts some kind of father's return to me and my return to him. We are trying to warn men against dreams that can create a gigantic divide of misunderstanding between generations, fathers and sons.

You mentioned the libretto. What is included in it?

Ilya Denisov: For each composition there is an illustration, a sonnet and a poem. Poems and sonnets just form the libretto.

Where can I embrace the poetic part of the project?

Ilya Denisov: We have a website. In the "Narration" section all poetry is published in a logical order, and you can also get acquainted with painting there. We will tell about poetry in more detail in the video in our group in VK.

As I understood, «Knight and Wolf» is aimed not only at the Russian-speaking segment. Did you translate the sonnets yourself?

Ilya Denisov: There is an important point. I wanted to send information about the project to the director of "Kin Fables". This was the first reason to translate into English. At one time I lived in a dormitory and met Ekaterina Vekova. She studied at the Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod. Ekaterina helped with all the translations, but her boyfriend Artem Vanteev helped with a poetic part. He specialized in English poetry and managed to write sonnets again with rhymes.

How are you going to advance in English-speaking countries?

Ilya Denisov: Everything isn't happening very quickly. Now we are working with the Russian segment. We have some implementation plan in English-speaking countries. These are distribution in mass-media, in groups on Facebook, also in Instagram. I want to do this when we will be implemented in Russia.

You made a good clip. How was the filming? Was it hard to be in a knight costume?

Ilya Denisov: The armor was very heavy and off-size. We took the knee supporters from a guy who was several heads taller than me, so they hit the leg very hard. Alexey was the director.

Alexey Tsarkov: The filming was on a completely voluntary basis. We equipped two reflex cameras, lights (car headlights). For 5 days we wrote the script, drew camera report and filmed in 2 days. To be honest, we almost died.

Is there a feature film in the plans? It is just very difficult to acquire information separately.

Ilya Denisov: Of course, all this suggests a connection. We wanted to, but the problem is that the experience is not enough, since it is very hard work.

How long has your project existed?

Ilya Denisov: Probably, two years have passed, if not three.
How difficult was it to find enthusiasts?

Ilya Denisov: Basically, my friends and relatives helped and help me now. Now people say that it's better not to do business with close friends. And with whom then do it? With enemies? It can be said that this project has united us all and has become a good test of friendship.

How much time does it take for your project?

Ilya Denisov: Purely driven by chance. I can devote a whole day, and sometimes can't do it a week. It's just intellectual work, it's draining. It is hard to constantly dive into it. In order to create something good, you need to be filled with something, you need to live.

How do people perceive this? Is there any feedback?

Ilya Denisov: Of course, there is a bit of feedback, we just started, you might say. In general, of course, people respond positively. Someone was impressed by the painting, some more by the music. And I received feedback from Sebastian, director of Kin Fables. We are communicating now; he responded well about music.

What do you think, did you manage to convey your views on happiness and dream?

Ilya Denisov: We tried to ask questions, show examples how it is, but didn't seek to give specific advice and manual. I received a variety of reviews. Someone watched the video and decided that it was about love, and someone thought that it was about a dream. It's hard to say whether we managed to convey all the ideas, but I think we did it. But for ourselves, we realized that you should give people explanations of what you are doing. In our tandem, Aleksey called for being more understandable to the viewer, my father didn't think so, and I was a "buffer" between the rational and the irrational. In the end, anyway it turned out that it should take a long time to investigate the project, but this shouldn't be frightening.

Share your future plans.

Alexey Tsarkov: We are now recording sonnets in Russian. This was the idea: there are sonnets, what means you can make content from them. I work as a sound engineer, and I decided to record small videos with reading sonnets to music. We invited for this an actor from Nizhny Novgorod, Alexei Makarov, he directs the school of acting "Image". I think the material will be very good and will attract to the poetic component of the project.

Most likely, we will do versions in English, but the question is: is it necessary? We are still not moving in the English segment.

Give advice to our readers how to create a startup.

Ilya Denisov: Dreams are great, of course. You need to set a big goal. But you have to understand, have you not been hooked? Maybe you believe in something, but you don't need it. Does it inspire you? Because at a certain moment the emotions that directed you will end; the routine of production, communication, clarification of relationships will begin. In any business, even if money isn't involved in it, you still have to strain yourself. And at this moment, if you really do not believe in what you are doing, you simply will not endure this routine, you will not get the job done. Therefore, it is very important to understand from the very beginning if these are your dreams.
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